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  • Fond farewell to Germany and hello to Denmark...
    • 19/06/2017
Shortest day with any movement in it.
After leisurely lunch in Flensburg, bumped into pirate Damien again in the crowded high street.
Set off for a nearby campsite and then ended up at a different camp spot by the edge of the fjord, (i believe wild camping is still not legal in denmark, but they have loads of designated free camping spots) where we met some extremely hospitable Germans, half heartedly fishing and whole heartedly drinking beer and listening to reggae; ship captain Ronald, who pilots a search and rescue vessel for refugees in the Mediterranean, and Garrett, a philosophical naval engineer having an existential crisis.
Discussions ensued about the relevance of national identity and countries borders, but were ironically interrupted by the arrival of the Danish police, requesting our ID to check we weren't illegal immigrants crossing from "leaky" Germany.
Then got an educational lesson from another sailor, Jan, about how Flensburg used to import rum as the result of Danish trade routes until it became German, and that the Danish call jellyfish "water man"

Had a dip in the Baltic but it was rather chilly and contained a few jelly fish, so just a quick bath

Parted company this morning and now crossing the neck of the Germany / Denmark border from east to west.
Landscape flat again, architecture changing, thatched cottages everywhere. Not many people about though, the first town Tønder is like a ghost town, and not many people about in general.

Lots of supermarkets along the border since everything cheaper in Germany. However the danish seem to have longer and Sunday opening hours so that's nice.

Camped at a free spot from the phone app "shelter". Nearby had met three German cyclists who rejected it for having too many mosquitoes but it seems OK so got it to myself.

Seems to be national "mow the lawn" day.

Its hot, such that pieces of gravel with melted tar on them keep sticking to my tyres and then making an annoying clacking sound as they go around....
Also dreading the signposts directing the route down scenic byways which inevitability results in dusty slidy gravel tracks.... Moan moan, flat and boring!

Have reached Ribe for lunch, a toursity little town, or maybe they all look like this? Too early to know....

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